Areas of Expertise
Interactive installation Art


China num:(+86) 18826422252

UK num:(+44) 7579959324

Wei Lin, First Honours Graduate, Product Design (2017); Computational arts MA (in progress); A professional master in interactive design, awarded the Lumen Prize (2018) and Muse Prize for gold winner (2022); commercially astute, enjoying 5 years’ experience in the creation and development of interactive art. This experience spans multiple sectors and international brands, Burberry, Jaeger, HUAWEI et al and the projects I directed required budget planning, working to strict timelines and an element of selling and client engagement. Passionate about the fusion of art and technology, focus is on physical installation art, light art, video art, mechanical sculpture and virtual space.

Design manger, BLUBLU, China
March - September 2022

Hired by CEO because of extensive art and design experience; overall responsibility for client presentations, visual design, team management + +…Directed Blossom Wonder rewarded Muse Prize for gold winner, LED interactive installation, for QIXIU hotel. Directed LINGLONGYIYI, Digital artwork for Tsinghua university. Directed BLUBLU Ocean, Interactive video installation for YangMa island.

Installation Designer, Wonderlabs, China October 2021 – January 2022

Appointed by the founder for my expertise and excellence. Realizing the advantages of networking with International leading brands in Shanghai relocated to develop career while extending my reach, forging relationships with leaders in this sector: Jaeger-LeCoultre (; Burberry; Corona beer .

Spearheaded complex scopes including, “Design for Chroma”, mechanical interactive installation, digital exhibition Color Motion;

Employed by market director following my application; recognized for my graphic design flair as displayed when an under-graduate; later developing my talents into an award-winning interactive art project, namely “Wavelet”. Developed and honed natural creative capabilities which led to a commission for a significant digital exhibition.

Additional complex projects including international brands: Guerlain; HUAWEI; Giorgio Armani. In addition, experience was enhanced during a light show, ‘K-Pop’ Exo at the prestigious Burj Khalifa Tower

Art Designer, Geeks Art, China October 2017 – December 2020